Anal douching: A guide for beginners – The Sex Garden
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Anal douching: A guide for beginners

on May 11, 2022

If you’re new to the world of anal sex, then you may be wondering how to clean the rectum before doing this erotic activity. Actually, there are many ways to clean up and feel confident before engaging in anal play. One of the most effective and simplest methods is anal douching.

Although anal douching is not required for anal sex, some people prefer to do this to ensure that there will be no poop residue. However, many people are still unfamiliar with anal douching. If you’re one of them, this beginner’s guide will give you more insights about it.

Defining anal douching

Anal douching is a method of cleaning the rectum in preparation for anal sex. It is traditionally done by feeding liquid into the rectum and allowing it to flush out any remaining faeces from the body. The user can insert the liquid into the rectum using a device called anal douche.

Commonly used anal douches

Many anal douches are available nowadays. Here are just a few of them.

  • Bulb douche – It is a simple and most well-known kind of douche. This douche consists of a bulb that is often made of silicone or rubber materials. It also has a nozzle that can be detached to fill the bulb with liquid.
  • Shower system – This douche is designed to attach to the shower hose or faucet. Using a shower system will allow you to use warm water from the house pipes directly into your body.
  • Water bag douches – This type of douche looks like an enema rather than the usual bulb douche. It consists of a liquid bag that is usually hanging and lifted. It also has a pipe that runs from the bag to the nozzle. This nozzle is inserted into the anus. The force of gravity will then pull the liquid down to the tube and inside the rectum.
  • Disposable douches – It is almost the same as bulb style douches. But disposable douches are typically smaller compared to bulb douches. Moreover, a disposable douche is ideal for travelling since you can throw them away after use.

How to use an anal douche

1. Prepare yourself for anal douching

Before using an anal douche, read the package’s instructions carefully. Then, take time to familiarise the device. You can comfortably explore and experiment with this tool in the bathroom.

You may insert your lubricated finger first to know what the sensation feels like. Doing this allows you to prepare the rectum to insert the bulb’s nozzle.

2. Apply lube

Before applying lubricant to the anal douche, make sure it is clean. You can wash the douche using mild soap and water. After washing, make sure to dry it completely. Then, it’s time to fill the bulb with your chosen liquid. After filling the douche with liquid, reattach the bulb to the nozzle. And finally, apply lube on the tip of the nozzle to make the insertion easier and more comfortable.

3. Be in a comfortable position

You can try several positions including all fours styles, lying on your side, or standing with one foot on the toilet when doing anal douching. Whatever position you prefer, what’s important is that you can comfortably access the anus.

4. Squeeze the anal douche

Gradually insert the nozzle into the rectum. Then squeeze the bulb and empty all its content inside. Hold the liquid for 10-15 seconds. Then release it into the toilet. Repeat the process until the expelled water becomes clear.

5. Clean the anal douche

After douching, the user should clean the nozzle and bulb with gentle soap and water. Then dry thoroughly before storing it. It is also vital to wash your hands before and after the activity.

Safety tips for anal douching

  • It is safe to do anal douching as long as you perform it correctly. Also, remember to do it in moderation. It means you have to do it not more than 2 times per week.
  • Using tap water is totally fine. However, it can cause an electrolyte imbalance if it is frequently used. Also, never use olive oil, alcohol or bleach. Using these types of liquid might cause harm to your butt. Instead, use a water mixture with the right amount of sodium electrolyte such as normal saline.
  • Always check the temperature of the water to be used. It is because using hot water might burn or damage the inside part of the rectum.


During anal sex, there’s a possibility that poops surprisingly come out of your butt. To avoid this, you should prepare the rectum before anal play. Anal douching is one of the best ways to keep the anus clean. However, before trying to douche the rectum, make sure to take time to research. Fortunately, this guide will give you a lot of information about anal douching.

If you’re interested in trying anal douching for the first time, then you’ll need an anal douche to use. Feel free to contact a reliable online adult toy store. They will definitely help you choose the right anal douche perfect for your anal exploration. Aside from anal douches, they have tons of anal sex toys for you to choose.


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