What is Rockstar (Fatboy) 6" Flesh? This sex toy is a dildo that will bring you to orgasms in no time. This product can tantalise you with its realistic look....
AMPED - BUZZ BW-008073ZSY Feel Buzz's distortion and his gyrating moves deep inside your bones. Made from luxurious TPR and boasting realistic shape and veined texture, this Rockstar is...
AMPED - FUZZY BW-008072ZSY If you're a fan of deep, electrifying penetration then Fuzzy is your man. Made from luxurious TPR and boasting realistic shape and veined texture, this...
AMPED - ZOOMER BW-008017BRSY " I'll slap your ass into the middle of next week, I'm sorry baby, that's the groove " Made from luxurious TPR and boasting realistic...
AMPED - ZIPPY BW-008015R When Zippy wails on his instrument you know you're in for a heavy bight of rocking and rolling. Made from luxurious TPR and boasting realistic...