Lollies & Candy | Edible Naughty Products for Bedtime Play – Page 2 – The Sex Garden
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                When it comes to sex, trying different ways to experience new sensations is important. Nowadays, some couples become interested in incorporating foods during foreplay. This act of bringing food in bed is also known as “food play”. Food play can be an awesome activity for couples who want to explore sex.

                Certain foods can actually heighten one’s sexual arousal. These include sweets such as lollipops, candies, chocolates and many more. Young people and adults enjoy these exciting treats in bed. To learn more, below are some valuable information about lollipops and candies.

                About lollipops and candies

                A lollipop is a hard candy that is typically mounted on a stick. This candy is designed for sucking and licking. They come in a huge variety of colours, sizes, and shapes. Apart from that, they also vary in taste. Some lollipops are tangy while others are sweet. In other words, you have a lot of choices for this candy.

                Candy is also known as sweets. One of the main ingredients of candy is sugar. Candies are usually bite-sized. Just like lollipops, they differ in shapes, sizes, flavours and colours.

                Naughty things to do with candies

                Incorporating sweets or candies as a tasty treat in the bedroom is a fun and exciting activity. Below are a few creative ideas you can do with candies.

                • Make a candy necklace and use it as an edible garter

                You can start by making a candy necklace. Then use this candy as a garter. You can wear this edible garter underneath your skirt. And let your partner eat it off. This fun activity can be a fantastic way to begin foreplay in the bedroom.

                • Licking a melted chocolate

                It can be done by warming a bar of chocolate in the microwave oven for about 15 seconds. When doing this, you don’t need to totally melt the chocolate. Just make its edges sticky. Once you’re done, stand on top of an old sheet. Let your partner use the chocolate bar to draw on your body. Then finally, ask your lover to lick it off using his tongue.

                • Sucking on sour candy

                This naughty activity is done by using sour candy. You can start by putting a blindfold on your lover. Then suck the candy to make it wet. Run it over your erogenous zones such as nipples, knees and near the collar bone.

                Your partner must find those areas where you put the sour candy by using their sense of taste. You can take turns in this naughty activity.

                Other tasty treats to use during sex

                Aside from candies, couples can bring these few tasty treats during sex to add some spice to their sexual relationship.


                As mentioned earlier, lollipop comes in a wide variety of options. Whatever flavour you desire, it will surely bring fun to your intimate scene. You can use a lolly to arouse your partner by licking and sucking the candy in front of them. The way you suck this candy will definitely bring arousal to your lover. This is because your partner anticipates foreplay as your next move.

                After sucking and licking the lollipop, it’s time to start the next stage of your sexy session. Rub the wet lollipop on your partner’s bare body. And finally, lick and suck those spots, as if their body is the actual candy.


                Certain fruits can help to spike one’s sexual desire. These are called aphrodisiac fruits. The most popular among these aphrodisiac fruits are cherries and strawberries. They contain antioxidant that is good for the heart. In addition, they have Vitamin C which can boost sperm count.

                Turn these fruits into an exciting part of your foreplay by making a berry salad. Use your partner’s body as a plate. It can be a pleasurable activity for couples out there.


                Honey is a sweet treat that will increase one’s stamina. Moreover, it can heighten your libido. This can also help to get you in the mood for love making. Hence, honey can be a great addition during sexual activity.

                To make this tasty treat extra special for your partner, turn the heat on by putting a blindfold on them. Dip some honey on your body. And let your partner search for this delicious treat.

                Why should you choose The Sex Garden’s lollies and candies?

                • Wide variety of flavours

                The Sex Garden’s lollies and candies are available in a variety of flavours. This will allow you to choose the one that will suit your taste.

                • Affordable

                In purchasing sex toys or anything that will add spice to your sexual life, picking those that are pleasurable yet still affordable is quite important. Good thing The Sex Garden’s products always assure your sexual satisfaction without breaking the bank.

                What’s next?

                If you’re interested to incorporate lollies and candies in your bedtime play, feel free to browse this collection. You can get delicious treats for your lover here! Try one of these products and it will definitely light your way to spectacular foreplay.

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